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Last night at the Moms of Multiples meeting, I promised further information on how I have gotten discounted newspaper subscriptions. Here are the details:
Check out DiscountedNewspapers.com to find out if you can sign up for a discounted newspaper subscription in your area. I signed up for a six month trial period to have my local paper delivered for about half the cost that I pay at the newsstand.
My subscription just ran out a few weeks ago, so I canceled. I was then called by their customer service and they offered to continue the subscription for the same price if I would remain a customer. Once your subscription runs out, I recommend calling your paper and asking if you can continue at your discounted rate.
Note to my local readers: I subscribed to both the Philadelphia Inquirer and The Morning Call. I usually buy both anyway since the Inquirer no longer carries RedPlum. The Morning Call was the same price as the newsstand, but I like the fact that it’s delivered to my door now!
Question: How do YOU score cheap or free newspapers? I am hoping to explore this idea a bit more this year and find ways to snag extra coupons inserts for free. Let’s face it, lots of coupons = lots of DEALS!
Only for new subscribers to the Philadelphia Inquirer
My local library has the weekend Phoenixville paper. It has coupons, although it doesn’t always have all the coupons that come with other paper that covers a bigger area.
The Chattanooga Times Free Press (Chattanooga, Tn) has a deal where you can get 5 sunday papers and 1 Monday thru sat for $21 a month