Welcome to the weekly
Cha-Ching Challenge Highlight!
I am pleased to announce our
Cha-Ching Challenge Highlight Winner.
This week’s highlight is Suddenly Stay at Home!
Jamie blogs about her life as a suddenly stay at home Mom after being laid off. I am impressed with her resolve to make the most of the situation by living frugally and finding creative ways to save money.
Check out her post sharing how she saved almost $100 at Publix last week. IMPRESSIVE. Great job, Jamie!
While you are there, I recommend reading her On Housekeeping post. I appreciate her candid and humorous look at housekeeping and the great tips that she shares. Maybe you can add a few of your own tips.
Would you like to join us in next week’s Cha-Ching Challenge?
Simply come back on Friday and join the Cha-Ching Challenge by adding a link to your post sharing your great deals for the week!