Whew–Life has been a little crazy lately! I did the math and between the wedding last weekend, our camping trip, and a visit to Philly this weekend, we have slept in four different places this past week. It’s all good–but I’m not gonna lie. I’m too old for this. =)
In the midst of the craziness of life lately, I feel like my deal-hunting diva has been repressed and she is not very happy with me. In order to soothe her wounded ego, I have come up with a super fun idea this week and I hope you’ll join me!
The Challenge:
If given only $10 spending for the week, how many deals can you score?!
The Rules:
There aren’t any! Just find lots of great deals! Be creative! If you have other spending to do that’s over $10, that’s ok. Simply report the deals that equaled $10 or less.
How to Enter:
Just come back on Saturday and leave a comment or a link sharing your deals on the Cha-Ching Challenge Post. Be sure to share the what the actual value of the items would have been and how much you spent out of pocket. It’s gotta be $10 or less!
SOOO…who’s with me?!