Welcome to the weekly
Cha-Ching Challenge Highlight!
I am pleased to announce our
Cha-Ching Challenge Highlight Winner.
This week’s highlight is The Frugal Find!
Julia is a mom and a wife and has 4 beautiful children – 3 boys and 1 girl. She writes:
“My passion for frugality goes WAY back to my childhood. I grew up very poor and I was aware of it. My mom often went without meals so I could eat. We lived on the streets and in shelters off and on until I was about 8 years old. I knew what it was to be without. A very long series of events that makes up my testimony brought me to live with my grandparents who were well to do. I’d often find myself in the mall with my grandma shopping for an outfit feeling totally disgusted by the prices. I clearly remember thinking “for $50 I could but an entire wardrobe at the thrift store!” read more…
Check out her post sharing how she scored over 34 lbs. of fruit and vegetables plus eggs and cheese for only $19! CHA-CHING!! Nice work, Julia!
While you are there, I recommend checking out her Envelope Budget 101 post. It’s a helpful tutorial on a system that may just transform your financial situation.
Would you like to join us in next week’s Cha-Ching Challenge?
Simply come back on Saturday and join the Cha-Ching Challenge by adding a link to your post sharing your great deals for the week!
I’d added your button to my blogroll as well, have a great week!
Wow, what a surprise! It’s an honor to be highlighted on the Cha-Ching Challenge, thank you!
My pleasure! Thanks for entering your post!