Here’s a fun and ‘green’ way to save money at CVS. Purchase a Green Bag Tag as pictured for $.99 (check by the registers) and then clip it to your own reusable bag. Each time you choose to bag your purchase in your reusable bag, the cashier will scan the green bag tag. Every fourth time, you will earn $1 ECB back.
Here’s what the tag says:
“To earn Extra bucks for a transaction in store, your Extra care card, green bag tag, and reusable bag must be presented w/ purchase at checkout. Limit of one green tag use/scan per day per household. Every 4th purchase your ECB will print at the bottom of your cash register receipt as a $1 coupon good for your next purchase. Extra bucks can be used until the exp. date shown on the coupon.”
Thanks, Couponing to Disney!
Free money! Can’t beat it. 🙂