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I recommend that you hurry on over here and print this Johnson & Johnson rebate for $10 when you buy $30 worth of select products. It was up the other day and then it disappeared, so I can’t promise how long it will stay up!
But it gets even better! While you are there, you will want to check out all the HOT new coupons that can make this rebate an awesome deal. Here they are:
(Just click on “Beauty Care Savings Center” on the left sidebar to access these coupons quickly.)
I have a feeling that some of these will go fast, so if you see any that you like you might want to print them now!
I’ll be sure to keep you posted if I find any great ways to make this rebate work!
Thanks for the heads up, Common Sense with Money!
Hmmmmm. So if I bought $30 worth of Lubri’ at 2/ 5.69 –retail– @ RiteAid that would be 6 purchases (34.14) = 10.14 [using the (2) $2 cu’s] that would be .14 after the $10 rebate, unless it is a taxable item (I forget?).
I can’t get the “Diabedes and You” coupon, bummer!
Your store doesn’t have the book?
Also, in order to submit for the rebate, you will need to purchase at least 2 of the brands listed on the rebate. So you could get quite a few of the Lubriderm, but you’d need to purchase one other brand as well.
Unless specifically stated, rebates are always for pre-coupon totals. When you send it in your receipts, you will circle the pre-coupon total and that will count toward the final amount.
It’s Ok to do the purchases alone. You aren’t doing anything wrong by using coupons and then sending in for the rebate. It’s an acceptable practice.
Hope this helps!
Does that mean $30 before cpns or after? I am new to this. If my receipt shows I only paid say like $1 or it was free after cpns does that still count on these rebates? Some rebates tell you to send the original store receipt with a circle around the item purchased and the price paid. But if I circle the item and the price shows at the top of receipt where it rings up at the regular or sale price for example of $5.99 but then after my coupons my total tax and all was only $1.00 or less do I still get the rebate money? Do you ever do these transactions like this alone where it shows the totl being that low or do you always buy them where your receipt is full of other purchases so that you don’t really know which coupons go to what item? I was scared that I ouldn’t be able to do the rebate with the Olay lotion with my B1G1 pn that expired the other day so I missed out on the deal and let it expire. I didn’t think I was spending enough money and din’t have any other purchases to be on my receipt. Sorry if all this sounds crazy but I just want to make sure I am doing the right thing in order to get the rebates cause some things I wouldn’t prob even buy but are too good a deal to pass up when you get these kinds of rebate deals.
Haha! I did, Jaclyn, and it made me chuckle! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you very much.I did your survey I hope you get to read what I put what my husband has to say everytime i talk about coupons.
No, you can send multiple receipts. You can only submit for one rebate, but the purchases do not all need to be made in one transaction.
Thank you for letting me now where to find the rebate.One question do you know if we have to buy everything in one trip to the store for one reciept.