Welcome to the weekly
Cha-Ching Challenge Highlight!
I am pleased to announce our
Cha-Ching Challenge Highlight Winner.
This week’s highlight is The Saving Addiction!
Giselle and Lauren are two moms who love deals!
They write:
“Our hope is that friends and family will follow our site to take advantage of the best possible deals going on all around us! It is also our hope that we can share tips on how to become more frugal. That way we can all save money!!”
Check out their post sharing how they paid only $.21 for a WHOLE BUNCH of great stuff at Rite Aid. (I love how they give a shout-out to their cashier as well–yee haw for great cashiers! Amen?!) Nice work, Giselle and Lauren!
Would you like to join us in next week’s Cha-Ching Challenge?
Simply come back on Saturday and join the Cha-Ching Challenge by adding a link to your post sharing your great deals for the week!
Thanks so much!!!!
Absolutely. Keep up the great work!