Since my earlier post about Recycle Bank, I discovered that there are several free magazine subscriptions you could snag with your 100 points for signing up! Each of these one-year subscriptions are 100 points or less:
Unfamiliar with Recycle Bank? Click here to learn more.
Thanks, Top Savings!
Thanks Kaley for the info.
Good question! I actually found the info on a site called I put the link in my post above.
Yeah, I wanna know that too, I wanted to look for myself to see if there were any other magazines for less than 100 points
I was just wondering — how did you find these on the Recycle Bank site? I was able to get to them through your links but couldn’t find them by looking under magazines in the Rewards section. Thanks.
Thanks so much! I signed up and now I will be getting Good Housekeeping again! Yay!
Thank you so much for posting this! Good housekeeping here I come!
Hooray! I just signed up and redeemed some of the points for a year of Good Housekeeping. Thanks for the tip!