Have you ever received a request from Nielsen to track your TV watching for the week? We’ve done it a couple of times and I have been impressed by the fact that $30 in cash arrives in our mailbox before we even complete the survey.
Well, Nielsen is now accepting applicants to join the Nielsen Homescan Consumer Panel. If you are accepted as a panel member, Homescan will provide you with a hand-held scanner. Every time you or members of your household shop, you’ll use the scanner to scan the barcodes on all of your purchases.
Once a week, you’ll transmit this information to Nielsen and you’ll earn points which can be redeemed for a variety of items from the Nielsen Gift Catalog.
Wes was accepted as a panel member and is currently on the waiting list for a scanner. We think this sounds like such a fun way to earn rewards and can’t wait to try it out! From what we’ve heard, it takes a little while to earn rewards, but once you do, they can be redeemed for some great prizes like electronics and household items. This might be another great source of ‘free money’ if you are part of the Cha-Ching Christmas Club!
If you are interested in signing up, they are taking applications for their panel right now. Go here to read more and sign up. This usually closes quickly, so I recommend signing up while you have the chance!
I’ve sent mine back a couple different times over the years and they have never charged me. I have been on the panel over 8 years now and have gotten some really great gifts or rewards…Nikon digital camera just a few years ago. Still saving my points…have about 70,000 poits right now. They are under different mngmt or company now though.
I participated years ago and really enjoyed it… as far as the scanner, I just returned it and I didn’t ever have to pay anything for it! I am going to sign up again.
this is a great program and you earn points taking really short surveys also. they give out random bonus points a anniversary points. Ive been doing this for four months, very easy, user friendly and takes very little time. I already have 8000 points, which is enough for a few of the rewards.
Thanks for sharing. From what I understand, they send a pre-paid mailer to return your scanner if you change your mind, correct?
Thanks for letting us know. I just finished up my application (4:45p est) and was given this message.—–So excited!
Homescan Consumer Panel Thanks You!
Thank you for registering with the Nielsen Homescan Consumer Panel.
Your household will be placed on our waiting list, and we will send you a scanner as soon as a spot on the Homescan Consumer Panel becomes available for a household like yours. We look forward to your participation!
Lynne Morrison
National Director
Homescan Consumer Panel
I went so far as receiving my scanner but as soon as I got a form from them in the mail that they wanted me to sign and send back I sent their scanner right back to them and said no thanks. The form wanted me to agree to be liable for a $200-300 (I can’t remember the amount but it was one of those) scanner should anything happen to it in my home. Some might find this fair but I imagined all kinds of electrical malfunctions resulting in a big bill for me. Not worth it I decided.