NOTE: We’ve gotten lots of new readers here on Cha-Ching on a Shoestring since our news story aired this week. {Welcome!} One of my new readers let me know that I had the wrong link posted for applying to earn rewards through Nielsen. I figured since so many of you Philly readers are probably homebound today because of our Blizzard, you might want something to do, so here is the correct link. I also recommend that you read the comments on my original post to find out more about people’s experience with Nielsen. It was very helpful to me!
Have you ever received a request from Nielsen to track your TV watching for the week? We’ve done it a couple of times and I have been impressed by the fact that $30 in cash arrives in our mailbox before we even complete the survey.
Well, Nielsen is now accepting applicants to join the Nielsen Homescan Consumer Panel. If you are accepted as a panel member, Homescan will provide you with a hand-held scanner. Every time you or members of your household shop, you’ll use the scanner to scan the barcodes on all of your purchases.
Once a week, you’ll transmit this information to Nielsen and you’ll earn points which can be redeemed for a variety of items from the Nielsen Gift Catalog.
Wes was accepted as a panel member and is currently on the waiting list for a scanner. We think this sounds like such a fun way to earn rewards and can’t wait to try it out! From what we’ve heard, it takes a little while to earn rewards, but once you do, they can be redeemed for some great prizes like electronics and household items. This might be another great source of ‘free money’ if you are part of the Cha-Ching Christmas Club!
If you are interested in signing up, they are taking applications for their panel right now. Go here to read more and sign up. This usually closes quickly, so I recommend signing up while you have the chance!
I just joined the Nielsen group. I am on the waiting list for a scanner. I am looking forward to tracking my purchases and cashing in on the rewards soon.
I have enjoyed this program and look forward to cashing in soon!
Well, I just signed up…hopefully it’s good as I am not usually comfortable giving all that info to a company I know nothing about. I guess I am on the waiting list for the scanner. We’ll see what happens…