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Walgreens has Air Wick FreshMatic Compact i-Motion Fragrance Sprays on sale for 50% off right now. The sale price should be around $4. Use the $4/1 coupon from SS 2/7 to score this for FREE or close to free.
If you don’t have the SmartSource insert, you can also find a $3/1 printable coupon when you register here. And from what I understand, you can print a $4/1 coupon here after printing out the Veet coupons that you see at first. (I haven’t been able to get on the site, so I can’t verify this.)
Thanks, Coupon Mamacita!
you must have different coupons than what we have in mi because I didn’t get that coupon in either one.
Rite Aid also has them at 50% off so they should be FREE there as well.
You can print the $4.00 coupon after you register at Veet! Thanks :o)