Update: Landis now has their coupon policy online. Read more about it here.
I have good news for my Landis shoppers. I just called each Landis store and was told by each one that they DO accept internet coupons! There were only a couple of stipulations:
- They will not accept a Free Item internet coupon. (There was some uncertainty on this. You can always try, but they most likely will not accept them.)
- If the internet coupon has a value above $3, they will not accept it.
Keep in mind that Landis doubles coupons with a face value of up to $.99. (So if you have a $.75 coupon, it will automatically double to a savings of $1.50 at check-out.)
If you are interested in finding out more about Thriftway and Shop n Bag’s coupon policies, you will need to contact your store directly. In my effort to obtain a coupon policy, this is what was e-mailed to me:
“Most stores do offer “Double Coupons” on manufacturer’s
coupons. However, each store establishes their own coupon redemption
policy. Please visit the store or contact the store directly and
request full details about their coupon redemption policy.A list of stores and store contact information is available on the Thriftway and
Shop n Bag website, http://www.thriftwayshopnbag.com. “
Thank you so very much for looking into it. My mom was very disappointed before when they refused her coupons. She will be very glad that they will now accept them.