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Did you score that sweet $3/1 Snuggle coupon in Sunday’s paper? If you have a Family Dollar nearby, use this coupon to score some for FREE:
Snuggle Dryer Sheets, 70 ct, $3.00
$3/1 from RP 3/28
FREE after coupon!
If there is no Family Dollar near you, then Target can score you some for $.99:
Snuggle Fabric Softener, $3.99
$3/1 from RP 3/28
$.99 after coupon!
Another coupon that you won’t want to miss in Sunday’s paper? Get a FREE 5.5 oz. can of Purina Mighty Dog in the SmartSource 3/28 insert. Even if you don’t have a dog, use it and give it to someone who does!
Our Red Plum did not have this coupon in it. Any suggestions?
We love snuggle!
Hi, Kim,
You could check ebay. From what I understand the coupons are selling for around $1 a piece. You could also check http://www.thecouponclippers.com.
Hope this helps!