There is currently a 12-hour sale on the 2010 Entertainment Book. Pay only $12 with FREE shipping.
Here’s how to score the book for only $5 SHIPPED:
- Sign up or login to your ShopatHome account.
- Search for ‘Entertainment Book’.
- Click through the coupon that offers $7 cashback when you pay only $12 with free shipping. (It says here that this deal is good through 5/18, however when you click through it says the deal is good for only 12 hours. I recommend not waiting just in case!)
- Place your order and you will receive $7 cashback in your ShopatHome account within 30-60 days.
- Pay only $5 after sale and ShopatHome rebate. PLUS if you are a new member, you will receive $5 in your account just for signing up! Essentially that makes the book FREE!
If you enter your zip code on the Entertainment Book site, you can view some of the local coupons that will come in your book. There are usually lots of great restaurant coupons and coupons for local activities.
This might be a great gift for someone as well!
Thanks, The Frugal Find!
I was just pondering getting one of these!