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Did you know that through July 5, 2010, you can print this FREE 60-day shopping pass and take it to your local BJ’s Wholesale Club to redeem it?
I am excited to redeem mine later this week. BJ’s has just introduced a new collection of gourmet European Pastries, Artisan Breads & Signature Muffins, including the first multigrain croissant available in the United States. I cannot wait to try them!
And did you also know that – unlike other wholesale clubs -BJ’s accepts manufacturer’s coupons? If you buy a multi-pack, you can even use multiple coupons! I can’t wait to give that a try!
Click here to find a BJ’s near you.
BJ’s wants to give one of my readers an opportunity to check out their local store. They have offered to give one lucky Cha-Ching on a Shoestring reader a $25 BJ’s Gift Card.
Here’s how to enter:
You have up to five ways to enter this giveaway:
- Subscribe to our feed in a reader or by e-mail and leave a comment letting me know you subscribed. If you are already a subscriber, simply let me know in a comment.
- Follow me on twitter. Leave a comment on this post letting me know you are a follower.
- Become a fan of Cha-Ching on a Shoestring on facebook and leave a comment on this post letting me know. If you are already a fan, simply let me know in a comment. (I love comments on the facebook page as well, but those will not count toward the giveaway!)
- Put the Cha-Ching on a Shoestring button on your blog. Leave a comment sharing the link to your blog.
- Blog about the giveaway. Leave a comment with a link to your blog post.
Note: Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this post to leave your comments. (If you are reading this is an e-mail click here to do so.) By leaving a separate comment for each entry you will have a greater chance of winning! E-mail responses will not be considered as an entry in the giveaway.
This giveaway ends at 3:00 pm EST on June 30, 2010. I’ll use Random.org to select the winning comment. Winner will be notified by email and listed on this site.
Disclaimer: BJ’s sent me a gift card and one to give away. The rest is all me!
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I love Bj’s. I always look through the coupon book they send me and clip the ones I will use and pass the rest on to someone else.
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