Yoplait Splitz is the new yogurt that tastes like a sundae. Better yet, it contains no artificial flavors or sweeteners and no high fructose corn syrup and is only 90 calories. Sounds like a dessert to enjoy guilt-free!
Here’s an idea: Just pop a Yoplait Splitz in the freezer and in a few hours you can enjoy a cup of creamy, authentic frozen yogurt. It’s available in three fun and delicious flavors: Strawberry Sundae, Strawberry Banana Split, and Rainbow Sherbet.
Right now you can print a $.75/1 Yoplait Splitz Yogurt (IE) or Printable (FF).
And now for even more exciting news!
One lucky Cha-Ching on a Shoestring reader will win the following:
A coupon for a FREE Yoplait Splitz 4 pack* and a kit that includes an insulated carry tote and a roll up fleece picnic blanket, pictured above.
*This coupon offer for a free pack of Yoplait Splitz is not valid in some states, including California, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Jersey, Nevada, North Dakota and Tennessee.
You have up to 4 methods of entry:
- Leave a comment sharing why you’d like to win this prize.
- Subscribe to our feed in a reader or by e-mail and leave a comment letting me know you subscribed. If you are already a subscriber, simply let me know in a comment.
- Follow me on twitter. Leave a comment on this post letting me know you are a follower.
- Become a fan of Cha-Ching on a Shoestring on facebook and leave a comment on this post letting me know. If you are already a fan, simply let me know in a comment. (I love comments on the facebook page as well, but those will not count toward the giveaway!)
Note: Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this post to leave your comments. (If you are reading this is an e-mail click here to do so.) By leaving a separate comment for each entry you will have a greater chance of winning! E-mail responses will not be considered as an entry in the giveaway.
This giveaway ends at 10:00 a.m. EST on Friday, August 20, 2010. I’ll use Random.org to select the winning comment. Winner will be notified by email and listed on this site.
This prize pack is provided for the giveaway and for my review purposes by Yoplait through MyBlogSpark.
Marti Brauer says
I would love this prize!
Christen says
I would like to win this prize…
1) Just to win it 🙂 i never win anything
2) because I love yogurt – and i’ve never even heard of this one
3) because it sounds yummy!
4) because it contains no high frutose corn syrup!!!!
fingers crossed
Christen says
I’m a fan on Facebook!
Christen says
i subscribe to the RSS feed
EMILY says
we love picnics!
Joyce says
I follow you on FB. 🙂
Joyce says
Love the fact that this can be frozen!! And, the kit would really be nice to win.
Lori Anderson says
My daughters love yogurt and have been a fan on facebook for awhile!
Tracy G says
Became a fan on FB a LONG time ago!
Tracy G says
I subscribe via email. Don’t do twitter. Bummer. There goes one entry.
Tracy G says
5 Kids- 4 of whom eat and love yogurt….need I say more? 🙂
Lina says
I’m a fan on facebook
Lina says
Follow you on twitter (@lkim496)
Lina says
Subscribe in a reader
Lina says
I would like to win this because we love gogurt and love trying new yoplait products.
Kelly says
I’m a facebook fan & avid website checker and would love to win this pack to help kick-start my new summer/fall workout plan motivated not by what others view of me, but rather what I want to see in myself.
Nancy says
I subscribe to your feed via the reader on my iphone (I can keep up on all the news wherever I am!).
Nancy says
My daughter and I love yogurt and would love to go on a picnic with this (especially frozen!).
Nancy says
I follow you on Twitter!
Nancy says
I like you on facebook!