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Update: Oh bummer. It looks like these are the 2.8 ounce size. The printable won’t work, but if you were lucky enough to score the $0.75/1 coupon from SS 8/1, then you can get these for $0.25! (I got a $0.50/1 coupon.)
Here is a sweet deal that I missed in the earlier CVS post!
Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies are on sale for $1 this week at CVS. The ad doesn’t specify, but it looks like they are the regular size bag.
If so, you can use this $1.00/1 printable (3 oz. +) to score them for FREE or the $0.75/1 from the 8/1/10 SS insert to get them for $0.25!
If I make it to CVS today, I’ll be sure to verify whether these are the correct size. If you get there before me, leave a comment and let us know!
Thanks, Money Saving Madness!
Saw this on another coupon site and the packages are 2.6 oz, I think. So, the coupon doesn’t work. 🙁
I wondered about that, Serafina. I am going to check at my store just to be sure!