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Kevin left a comment letting me know that there is a $2/1 CVS coupon printing at the coupon printer this week. If you happen to score this coupon, you can use it to get FREE Xtra Laundry Detergent this week! Here’s how:
Xtra 2x Laundry Detergent (28 loads), $2.00
$2/1 CVS coupon printing for some at the coupon printer
FREE after coupon!
Note: Others are reporting that they are printing a $2/2 coupon instead, making it $1 each instead. OR if you have the $1/1 coupon from SS 6/6, you can use two with the CVS coupon to still get some for FREE!
Keep in mind that you can scan your Extra Care card twice per day. If it doesn’t print for you on the first trip, you can try again on another day. However, I don’t recommend making a special trip just for this because the coupon may not print for everyone!
Thanks, Kevin!
Mine was $2/2, just an FYI!!!
Thanks, Julia! I guess $1 for laundry detergent is a good deal too!