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Don’t forget that you can score FREE Huggies diapers this week at Rite Aid!
Buy 3 Huggies Jumbo Pure & Natural Diapers at $8.99 each, Get $10 Rite Aid Gift Card (SCR #70) + $2 UP Reward
Use $5/$25 Rite Aid coupon
Use $1/1 September Video Values Huggies coupon
Use 3 $3/1 Huggies Pure & Natural coupon (no longer available) or $3/1 Huggies Pure & Natural Diapers (IE) (FF) (Print two per computer.)
Spend $11.97 plus tax out of pocket, Get $10 Rite Aid Gift Card + $2 UP Reward
Free after coupons, gift card and UP Reward!
Note: If you aren’t able to print from multiple computers, you can check out the list of Huggies coupons available on my Coupon Database. Keep in mind that this deal is for the Jumbo packs, so coupons for 60+ count probably won’t work.
See the rest of this week’s deals at Rite Aid here.
If you are new to shopping at Rite Aid, I recommend checking out my Top 5 Tips for Drugstore Shopping and my Top 5 Tips for Shopping at Rite Aid. Please note that coupons vary by region. Read all about my coupon lingo here.
Thank you so much! I did it, and it was so easy! I am new at this couponing game and I just appreciate all your tips! Blessings 🙂
So glad to hear it, Jacqueline!
HI! Great deal on the Huggies. Unfortunately I cannot figure out how to get the ten dollar gift card. The form I printed off is for the sweepstakes, is that the same as the form for the gift card? Could you help me out? Thanks!~ Love your site it has helped me save hundreds so far!
Did you enter your receipt at https://riteaid.rebateplus.com, Jacqueline? If so, then you should receive an email in a few days verifying that Rite Aid will be sending you a gift card. The sweepstakes is a different offer.