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I have loved reading your updates on how you are Saving on a Shoestring! It is exciting to me to hear how you are being purposeful in putting money aside for the future. Delayed gratification is a wonderful thing!
I used Random.org to choose a winner. The winner of the $5 Amazon gift code is Heather who said:
“I started couponing and watching the sales after I was laid off from my job. I just cleaned out my house and garage and had a yard sale and decluttered everything! The money I made is going towards a crib & bedroom furniture for my baby’s room. Plus it’s so nice not having all those things in my house that I don’t use or need anymore! I’ve also started stockpiling and stocking up on gifts when places like Target have their toy clearance sales. My swagbucks are getting cashed in shortly for some Christmas gifts as well!”
Way to go, Heather and everyone else as well! Saving money is fun, isn’t it?!
We’ll have another Saving on a Shoestring round-up next month, so keep on saving and we’ll all celebrate together!