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I just checked and that hot $2/1 Hidden Valley Farmhouse Originals coupon reset for me. Did it reset for you as well?
***In other printable coupon news***
- Be sure to print that hot $.50/1 Green Giant Veggies coupon. (For my local readers there will be a sweet deal at Giant PA next week with this coupon!)
- Mambo Sprouts has released new coupons for Organic foods and items. The $0.50/1 Luna Bars coupon could easily score you FREE bars if your store doubles coupons! (Thanks, Common Sense with Money!)
Other new printables:
- $0.75/1 Sara Lee Sweet Goods product
- $1/1 Land o Lakes Seasoning Product
- $1/1 Joint Juice
- $1/2 Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats Cereal
It hasn’t reset for me. And they’re out of granola bar samples. And too many really good coupons have a limit of ONE this month! 8-[ I wonder how ‘they’ determine when to reset and why they don’t do it at the same time for everyone. Maybe based on when you printed? Oh, well, thanks anyway. 8-}