There are quite a few Redbox FREE rental codes available if you have not used them yet. You may want to print this list out and keep it in your wallet or purse. You can use each code once per credit/debit card, meaning that you can use get more than one rental FREE by using different cards!
CHANCEMONOP – Redbox and McDonalds have partnered up to give away 1 million FREE Redbox rentals. This code will stop working after it has been used 1 million uses.
DVDKROG – valid only at Kroger locations.
DVDATWAG – valid only at Walgreen’s locations.
DRIVEIN – valid only at Sonic locations.
WALGREENS (valid only at Walgreens?)
Valid at all locations:
REDBOX (new customers only)
If you discover that any of these aren’t working, leave a comment and let us know!
I used BREAKROOM last night and it worked just fine 🙂
Just wanted to let you know that I tried codes DATE124 CLIMB5 today and they did not work. I do know DVDONME as least works.
Thanks, Jaclyn!