You can score some FREE toilet paper at Rite Aid this week! Here’s how:
Rite Aid Facial Tissue, Bath Tissue, or Simplify Bath Tissue, $1.00
Buy 1, Receive a $1.00 +Up Reward
Like getting it for FREE after +Up Reward!
Note: It appears that there is now a limit of one on this offer.
See the rest of this week’s deals at Rite Aid here.
I am new to Rite Aid and this will be my first trip there, Is there a limit on this can I only get one or can I get 3 packs and still get 3 up rewards?Thanks
Hi, Renee! As far as I know, there is no limit. Occasionally Rite Aid will put limits on +Up Reward offers, but in this case it appears that you can purchase as many as you need!
Thanks so much for the answer and the super quick response.I love your blog so much.
My pleasure, Renee. Thank you!
Update: I just read on another blog that it appears that Rite Aid has changed the offer to a Limit of 1. Apparently they realized that they were giving away free toilet paper!