Cellfire FAQs
Q: Do Cellfire Coupons double?
A: No, Cellfire coupons do NOT double.
Q: Can I use a paper coupon with a Cellfire coupon?
A: Though it may be possible, we don’t encourage the use of a paper coupon with a Cellfire coupon.
Q: Can I use another electronic coupon (Shortcuts, P&G E-Saver, etc.) with a Cellfire coupon?
A: No, only one electronic coupon is allowed per item.
Q: If I’ve already saved a particular grocery coupon through the Cellfire site and/or Cellfire mobile, can I save it again from the ad?
A: No, if the coupon has already been saved, you will not be able to save it a second time.
Q: I accidentally saved a coupon to the wrong savings card. Is there any way to transfer the coupon to a different card?
A: No, once the coupon has been saved, it cannot be moved from card to card.
Q: My Cellfire coupon did not come off at checkout. What can I do?
A: Please let us know by contacting Cellfire customer service through “Contact Us” on the Cellfire website. Your submission will be read in the order that it is received.
Q: I have two of the same coupon (with different expiration dates) saved to my account. Can I use both of them in one transaction?
A: No, the checkout system only allows one coupon code per transaction. To have your 2nd Cellfire coupon apply, ask the cashier to ring up your secondary items as a separate transaction.
Q: Can I remove a grocery coupon after it’s been saved?
A: Grocery coupons cannot be removed unless they expire or are used with a purchase at the store.
Q: How many grocery coupons can I save to my grocery savings card?
A: You can save up to 50 coupons to your grocery savings card.
Have a question that wasn’t covered here? Visit Cellfire’s complete FAQ page.