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There are two freebies available from Costco this morning. You do not need a membership number for either offer at this time. Membership is now required.
Sign up for a FREE sample of Kirkland household surface wipes.
Sign up for a FREE sample of Fekkai Glossing or Color Care Kit.
(Thanks, MoJo Savings!)
I figured that was what happened. Awwwww, MANNNN! LOL that stinks, big-time! I almost fell off my chair with excitement when I saw a Fekkai sample offer, that NEVER happens! I love that stuff, but it’s so expensive…..Thanks anyway! 🙂 Love your site!
Don’t worry, Stephanie. There will be more Fekkai free samples in the future…I’m sure of it! 🙂
Yes, a membership number is required. 🙁
Hi, Stephanie! Thanks for the heads up. They must have changed the offer since I posted it this morning.