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Many Kmarts are holding a double coupon event this week. Find the list of participating stores here.
Here are a few deals that you can score this week. Make sure to head over to Cuckoo for Coupon Deals to check out all the details of the double coupon event and the rest of the deals.
Tic Tacs, $1.09
Use the $0.75/1 Tic Tac Product, exp. 8/31/11 (RP 06/12/11)
FREE after doubled coupon!
Band Aids Trial Size, $0.99
Use the $0.50/1 Neosporin or Band-Aid Product, exp. 6/30/11 (SS 04/17/11)
FREE after doubled coupon!
Sunny D, 10/$10
Use the $0.25/1 Sunny D, exp. 8/31/11 (SS 05/15/11)
$0.50 after doubled coupon!
Kelloggs Cereal 10-20 oz, $2.50
Use the $1/2 Kellogg’s Raisin Bran, Raisin Bran Crunch or Raisin Bran Extra Cereal, exp. 7/24/11 (RP 06/12/11)
OR $.70/1 Raisin Bran coupon
As low as $1.10 after doubled coupon!
Let me know if you spot any other deals at the store! Head on over here for the rest of the list.
The degree coupon expired yesterday?
You’re right, Eva! Thanks for the heads up. I will update the post.