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Print a hot buy one get one free Lipton Tea Coupon while it’s available. If you haven’t taken advantage of the ECB deal yet at CVS this week, you could do this deal:
Buy four Lipton Teas, $5
Get $1 ECB (Limit 1)
Use two buy one get one free printables
Like paying $0.38 each after coupons and ECBs!
Thanks, Couponing for 4 and Common Sense with Money!
Check out the rest of the hot CVS deals this week here.
Why not use the two BOGO Lipton Tea coupons first and then use the free tea coupons off of Facebook from last week or so to get them all free and make a $1?
If you have those coupons, that’s a great idea, Michelle! It will depend on your CVS whether you are allowed to use both of your free coupons in conjunction with two bogos. But you should definitely be able to use at least one!