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I have some winners to announce!
$20 Chili’s Gift Card Giveaway:
Jennifer H. (huntandride@xxxxx)
And for those who are interested: Wes and I dated for a little less than 4 months. 🙂
Father’s Day Giveaway: $50 Red Envelope Gift Code:
Joyce M. (joycemlinek@xxxxx)
Father’s Day Giveaway: Variety Pack of Cheesecakes from Taste-T’s Cheesecakes & Desserts:
Lori W. (icalledonjesus@xxxxxx)
Father’s Day Giveaway: $10 Dunkin Donuts Gift Card:
Jennifer H. (huntandride@xxxxxx)
Sheri G. (sherigrennille@xxxxx)
Amy T. (tilsonfamily@xxxxx)
Father’s Day Giveaway: $50 Gift Certificate to Extreme Custom Wheels:
Renee (rnjsig@xxxxx)
Emily (ec419@xxxxx)
Sunnie (sunniewoodyplus2@xxxxx)
Lori S. (surveys4lori@xxxxx)
Lessie P. (lessie@xxxxx)
Lesli (neuenart@xxxxx)
Each of the winners has been contacted by email with details on how to claim your prize.
Thanks to all who entered and stay tuned for even more fun giveaways soon!
Awesome, thats me!
Did you receive an email from Eversave with info on how to claim your credit, Sunnie?