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I’m very excited about a new eCoupon company called SavingStar. Unlike many other eCoupon companies, SavingStar offers coupons for most stores nationwide.
The program is similar to Upromise, in that your savings will not come off your total at checkout. Instead each time you redeem an eCoupon, the total will be deposited into your Savingstar account. There is now a SavingStar app that allows you to take advantage of offers at even more stores nationwide!
What is different about this program (and what I like!) is that once you reach $5 in savings, you can cash out as a bank deposit or Paypal cash. How cool is that?
Click here and enter your zip code to find participating stores in your area. I recommend adding each of your grocery cards to your account and clipping all the coupons.
Update: As of 10/31/14, SavingStar no longer offers Amazon gift cards as a reward option.
Can these be combined with store coupons as well. I am presumming no but it does not hurt to know for sure. Thanks
Yep, they sure can, Bonnie!