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This sweet freebie is available again!
Answer 5 quick survey questions to sign up for a FREE Target Designer Beauty Bag filled with FREE samples. The last time it was available it also came with a coupon booklet with $25 worth of Target coupons!
Hurry! This offer may end quickly!
Thanks, For The Mommas
The first time I clicked the link it did give me an error, I refreshed the page and it worked. I did the survey and was able to enter my info but now I’m sitting here watching it slowly confirm my entry. I haven’t received a confirmation email yet so I’m afraid to do anything with the page.
Hi! This looks awesome, but the link won’t work 🙁 Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
Everyone seems to be having an issue with it, Cathy. I’m not sure if it’s because the site is getting swamped or a technical issue. I’ll be sure to update if I find out!