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Great American Cookies is offering their second Annual Reading is SWEET National Book Drive. Throughout the month of October, you can receive a FREE cookie of your choice by donating a new or gently read book which will be donated to a local branch of the public library or a local charity.
Click here to find participating locations.
Thanks, For the Mommas!
We do not have any Great American Cookie locations in Utah just in case there are others out there who do not know every Utah business like me. I check everything unless I am 100% sure. I had to put this first so people would get the message quick.
Hello, and thank you once again for all of your wonderful e mails. Please do not take this as a complaint in any way, I am only trying to save my fellow Utah residents a little time. I am sorry that it looks like I am really rude as well putting the message up there first but if I don’t people will read this part in the first few words and not get the point. Thank you again and I hope you and your family are doing well. If I can be of any help to you in Utah please let me know.