You may recall a few weeks ago, I shared a little secret that my husband and I were heading to NYC to be on Anderson Cooper’s new daytime talk show.
Well, I’m excited to share that our episode will air on Monday (10/24)! You can view the preview to the show here. They are calling it a celebration of frugality…I like that.
For those of you wondering how in the world I found myself in NYC on Anderson, I’ll be back tomorrow with that story. All I can say is that it was a whirlwind!
Oh…and let me just mention that our segment is only a few minutes long. There are a whole bunch of people sharing their stories of frugality. It’s jam-packed with helpful tips on stretching your dollars further. And since you all are experts in the Cha-Ching method of saving money, hopefully the show will help you learn even more!
Be sure to check your local listings here to find out what time the show airs in your city.
for those of us in the Philadelphia broadcasting area with Comcast, the show will air Monday 9am on CBS3.
Anxious to see the show.