StumbleUpon has a HOT offer going on right now.
Get a $10 Amazon gift card for every 5 friends that you refer to StumbleUpon.
- Simply register here to get started.
- Then to get your referral link, you’ll need to head over here.
If you aren’t familiar with StumbleUpon, it’s a popular website that allows you to share some of your favorite things that you find on the web with your friends.
Make sure your friends know that they can earn Amazon gift cards too. They will be more likely to sign up! And feel free to leave your referral links in the comment section.
I would hurry though–I’m not sure how long this offer will last!
Fine Print: Gift cards take up to 6 weeks to arrive. Referrer shall receive one Reward valued at $10 in for each five Qualified Referrals generated by Referrer. For every 5 referrals who register for the StumbleUpon Share Program, you will receive one $10.00 Amazon gift card. Sorry, no partial credit. You will only receive a gift card for every 5 Qualified Referrals. Delivery of gift card will be made within 6 weeks. Self-referrals not allowed. Gift Cards subject to terms of card. Gift cards may be delivered digitally to recipient. StumbleUpon is not responsible for gift cards delivered to spam folders and will resend original link, but not replace link.
Thanks, The Secret to Saving!
This is my referral link. I would appreciate anyone who uses it. Thanks