There is a new $1/1 Up & Up Pain Reliever Target coupon available.
Most stores carry the 24 ct. size priced at $0.99, making it FREE after coupon!
Up & Up Ibuprofen (24 ct.), $0.99
$1/1 Up & Up Pain Reliever Target coupon (look under ‘health care’)
FREE after coupon!
I’ve have been using this coupon for some time at my Target, it has been great. Just this week they told me no. They said that they cannont adjust a coupon. The coupon cannot be more than what the item is for. I told them that I have been using this coupon with no problem for awhile. They said they recently changed their coupon policy and you cannot use it on the 99 cent item. Anyone else run into this?
According to Target’s corporate coupon policy, they will lower the value of a coupon in this instance, Jennifer.
I recommend printing the coupon policy with you the next time you go to the store. If they are unwilling to work with you, you may want to call corporate.
Their coupon policy is here: