Today only, you can get this Taste of Home Comfort Food Diet and Healthy Cooking Cookbook Set for only $8.99 shipped. Just use coupon code LS128 to get this deal.
It also comes with a FREE one-year subscription to Healthy Cooking Magazine!
This could be one really nice gift, or you could even split it up into a couple gifts! The magazine subscription by itself is an awesome gift for the person who loves to cook.
Valid today only (11/26/12).
Ohhh….figured it out:
Won’t work IF you go the intuitive/expected/usual way….must click on “Go to Shopping Cart,” and THEN it provides a field for entering the coupon code.
Thank you for letting us all know about this fabulous deal!
Not working—-was going to be $22.00-plus at Checkout, including $8.00 for Shipping. ???