Amazon is offering a FREE Kindle download of Vertical Church: What Every Heart Longs for. What Every Church Can Be. by James MacDonald right now (reg. $22.99).
About the book:
Infighting, backbiting, heartbreaking, frustrating … church.
Though exceptions do exist, the reality is that church in America is failing one life at a time. Somewhere between pathetically predictable and shamefully entertaining, sadly sentimental and rarely authentic, church has become worst of all … godless.
Vertical Church points to a new day where God is the seeker, and we are the ones found. In Vertical Church God shows up, and that changes everything.
Don’t have a Kindle? You can download the Kindle app for your Blackberry, iPhone, Mac, or PC here.
Remember – Amazon eBook prices change frequently and without notice. Please verify that this eBook is still FREE before purchasing.
It’s $4.99 now.