Welcome to the FINAL WEEK of our Project Summer Frugal Fun Challenge. Can you believe it?
Don’t forget to complete today’s easy task at the bottom to enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card!
As I’m working on this post, my two oldest boys are currently gathering every toy and object in our house that is not nailed down and creating a monster barricade in the corner of the room in an attempt to hold my youngest son captive.
I think it’s time.
Time for us to fondly say good bye to our summer of frugal fun and return to a state of sanity err…I mean normalcy.
I guess the fact that I decided to celebrate our last week of summer by coming down with my first ever case of Strep Throat may have added to the crazy around here. (Praise God for penicillin! That stuff works wonders.)
But before we close this chapter and move on to more academic endeavors (school starts Monday!), here are a few final pics of frugal fun my family enjoyed in these last weeks of summer:
We were given tickets to the Philadelphia Zoo, so we decided to use them to celebrate our two oldest birthdays (which are both in August) and invited family to join us.
I just love this picture of my little guy looking at a Red Panda.
Earlier this week (pre-Strep), I printed out this Nature Scavenger Hunt and headed outside with my boys to do some exploring. Have an extra half hour? I totally recommend this activity.
Boxes are awesome.
Looking for a few other simple ideas for to end summer well? I love this list put together by Ann Voskamp.
$25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
The Project Summer Frugal Fun Challenge:
It’s been a blast using my Summer Fun Planner with you all! This is the last week to enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card as part of the Project Summer Frugal Fun Challenge.
Here’s how to enter:
- Even though summer is over, let’s still be friends! Subscribe to the site by email or RSS and leave a comment letting me know that you did. If you are already a subscriber, simply let me know in a comment.
Psst: You can also enter the August challenge here if you haven’t yet.
This giveaway ends at on Saturday, August 31st, 2013. I will randomly select the winning comment. Winner will be notified by email and listed on this site.
Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by Amazon. The Amazon gift card is from me as a thank you to my readers!
I already subscribed. It ‘s time to say good bye to summer, wish every kids have a great school year.
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Hi, am already a subscriber. Sorry to hear about your Strep Throat. Hope you are feeling better!
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I’m already an email subscriber! Thank goodness for the return of school!!!
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I I have been a subscriber of yours for a few years!
I would love to win
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I’m already subscribed! Love getting your emails every day!
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I subscribed sooo excited
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