FREE Beth Moore Kindle eBooks
Wow! Amazon is offering four FIFTEEN Beth Moore Kindle eBooks for FREE right now:
Grab the following books for FREE for a limited time:
UPDATE: Now the following eBooks are also FREE:
- Jesus, the One and Only
- A Heart Like His: Intimate Reflections on the Life of David
- Further Still
- Praying God’s Word Day by Day
- Feathers from My Nest
- Praying God’s Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds
- Believing God Day by Day: Growing Your Faith All Year Long
- Breaking Free Day by Day
- Things Pondered
- Breaking Free*
- Breaking Free: Discover the Victory of Total Surrender*
*Just added.
Don’t have a Kindle? You can download the Kindle app for your Blackberry, iPhone, Mac, or PC here.
Thanks, Kansas City Mamas!
Remember – Amazon eBook prices change frequently and without notice. Please verify that this eBook is still FREE before purchasing.
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