Looking for a simple way to organize your purse? Amazon has this Handbag Organizer Pouch Bag (in a variety of colors) for as low as $3 with FREE shipping.
This looks like it would make a great makeup bag too!
Also, a friend of mine has just purchased a lovely new handbag so this organizer would be a great addition to it! She has an amazing collection of knock off Gucci bags so I might get her a couple of these organizers for her birthday.
I am always impressed by just how realistic the replica handbags that my friend finds online can be. I had no idea so many of her bags were fake until she told me how she manages to afford them all! Designer handbags can be really expensive, but replicas are a more affordable alternative if you are able to find a replica bag that is similar to a genuine designer piece.
No one should have to pay too much to put together a fashionable outfit after all!
Anyway, let me tell you a little bit more about this fantastic handbag organizer.
Thanks, Hip 2 Save!
Product Description:
- You can keep everything easily accessible with this handy organizer. Multiple pockets to classify your personal stuff. Let you easily move and rotate the entire contents of your bag.
- The handy pockets in the bag help you keep your mobile, keys, purse, make-up and other essential items organised and within easy reach. Strong nylon construction.
- Light weight and washable. Portable and compact, is easily held in handbag. Find the most urgent things anytime anywhere. Perfect for holding cosmetics, cell phone, cards, etc.
- Material: Nylon. Size Approx: 11.2″ x 6.7″ x 3.3″ ?28.5cm x 17cm x 8.5cm ).
Remember – Amazon prices change frequently and without notice. Please verify that this price hasn’t changed before purchasing.