It’s Birthday Party Time!
I shared on Facebook last night that with all of the Easter excitement, I completely forgot to mention that this weekend was Cha-Ching on a Shoestring’s FIFTH Birthday!
Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday that I announced to the world the birth of my little baby blog and now she’s practically all grown up.
It would be a shame to miss this opportunity for a Big Birthday Bash and you guys had some great ideas on how we should celebrate. I took your ideas and this is the result.
What is a birthday without a BIRTHDAY PARTY?? We’ll need pizza, entertainment and a delicious birthday dessert (of course).
I SO wish I could celebrate with each and every one of you who make this blog what it is – could someone get on that and figure out a way to make that happen? 🙂 Until we figure that out, this is the best option I could come up with:
I’m sending a birthday party to a few lucky readers! Here’s how:
One reader will win a $25 Papa John’s gift card (or Domino’s if you prefer):
One reader will win a $10 Redbox gift card for the Birthday Party Entertainment:
And one reader will win this yummy assortment of Mrs. Fields Cookies in a fun birthday tin:
In order to enter the giveaway, you’ll need to do some Birthday Party Mingling:
Chat it Up:
- How did you “meet” Cha-Ching on a Shoestring and how long have you known her? (In other words, how and when did you learn about the blog?) Leave a comment below as one entry.
Invite friends to the party:
- Post the giveaway on Facebook or Twitter by copying and pasting the following then leave a comment for each to enter:
Celebrate Cha-Ching on a Shoestring’s fifth birthday and win FREE stuff! #FREE
Give a gift to the birthday girl:
- No actual gifts please. Just a little birthday love. For another entry, leave a comment below sharing what your favorite thing is about Cha-Ching on a Shoestring – it will make her day!
Put your feet up and stay awhile:
- The party just keeps going around here and YOU are invited to stay. Subscribe to this site by e-mail or in a reader and leave a comment letting me know you subscribed. If you are already a subscriber, simply let me know in a comment.
Note: Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this post to leave your comments. (If you are reading this is an e-mail click here to do so.) By leaving a separate comment for each entry you will have a greater chance of winning! E-mail responses will not be considered as an entry in the giveaway.
This giveaway ends at 10:00 a.m. EST on Saturday, April 26, 2014. I will randomly select the winning comment. Winner will be notified by email and listed on this site.
Disclaimer: This giveaway is not sponsored by anyone but me! It’s my chance to celebrate the FUN that you all bring to Cha-Ching!
I met the birthday girl while searching for a Tar-zhay deal online. Her blog came up and it’s been a wealth of info ever since! I subscribe to her blog and like her/follow her on Facebook. I’ve invited quite a few friends to like her as well, as they are always jealous of my deal finds 🙂
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHA CHING!!! You are. The Best blog around!
I read about you several years ago in a local paper. I appreciate all your hard work in finding out all the deals for us. You have saved our family lots of money.
I like the drugstore deals.
I’m an email subscriber.
I love the drugstore posts.
I found Cha-Ching about 4 years ago through my wife.