Amazon is offering a FREE Kindle download of The Art of Simplicity Guide right now, regularly $2.99.
About the book:
Some people think that acquiring and doing more will make their lives more satisfying. They work really hard to live in a nice house, own the latest technology, drive an expensive car, go on expensive vacations, and just basically live a life filled with all the material comforts that everyone wants to have. Many people have this notion that the more they have, the happier they will be when in fact the desire for material things only make them less satisfied and happy because this desire never ends. Once you acquire that thing that you want, you will only move on to another desire that makes this whole process a never ending cycle. Accumulating things also makes your life more complicated because it keeps your space cluttered and unorganized.
You need to find that inner peace and contentment that comes with living as simply as possible. This book will provide you with some useful information and tips on the art of simplicity and how to be happy and satisfied living a simple life.
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