If you are an Amazon Family member, you can get Luvs Ultra Leakguards Diapers for as low as $14.98 when you have 5 S&S subscriptions this month ($0.06 per diaper) depending on what size you get.
Here’s how:
- Head over to the Luvs page
- Clip the coupon in the middle of the page for $2 off.
- Then choose the Subscribe & Save option (Click here to learn more.) You will get 20% off as an Amazon Family member if you have 5 S&S subscriptions this month
- Your total after the coupon and Subscribe & Save will be as low as $14.98 and shipping is FREE.
You can also get Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers, Size 3, Economy Plus Pack, 222 Count for as low as $.09 per diaper.
Not an Amazon Mom? You can still a great deal! OR you can sign up for a FREE trial right now to get this deal.
After your order arrives, be sure to cancel your subscription if you no longer wish to receive regular shipments.
Amazon Moms already receive the 20% discount on baby products, but this will help you reach your 5 item goal.
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