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I mentioned last week, that I was almost on Nightline. (Almost = I had already made plans to go buy a new outfit when it fell through.)
I thought I would post the link to the news story that aired last night. I had mixed emotions as I watched it.
I was correct in assuming that they were looking for couponers who were more extreme than I am. (Check out the Jello art. However, one of the comments did indicate that this was donated to a local charity later.)
On the other hand, I did appreciate the fact that there were helpful tips shared throughout the segment. It wasn’t just another story about ‘those crazy couponers’ (like this article).
Here were a few of my thoughts:
- I wish they had clarified that not all sections of the country have stores with these kinds of crazy deals. Kroger is well-known as one of the best stores for couponers.
- The topic of buying and trading coupons never came up. I have to believe that this is a huge part of each of their strategies.
- I’m also not sure why there wasn’t more information shared on donating to local charities. From what I understand, both of the couponers do so.
If you get a chance to watch it, I’d love to know what your thoughts are on the piece. Would you classify yourself as an extreme couponer? Do you think that this was a fair depiction of couponing? Did you learn anything new from the piece?
The fact that he donated didn’t come from the show. Sadly, it never showed that part. It came from people who were connected to him.
Oh yeah, in terms of Nathan donating…what? His garage and house were full of stuff, years’ worth, by his own admission. It’s hard to believe that he’s truly giving over that much, since he has too much still for one family. And when you consider the price of housing per sf, I think he’s paying a lot of rent/taxes/mortgage to keep all that toilet paper in stock.
Imagine if that roof leaked….give it away now, do others some good. there’s always more to buy!
I agree with most people on here. Using coupons to get things for free just for the sake of getting them for free is not what couponing was designed for. I fear that some of these “extreme couponers” will abuse the system to where regular people just trying to stay in their family’s grocery budget will lose out, either because of empty shelves (like Samantha’s Purex example above) or because companies will eventually stop issuing so many coupons. It sucks when a select few ruin it for everyone, and I sincerely hope that doesn’t happen to legit, reasonable couponers!
While I didn’t learn anything new (I’ve been at this for a while), I did think it was interesting to see the two different types of couponers actualized on television. It was a good study. We all know of the hoarder types and then we also know of the ones who buy products they will actually use.
I don’t think they gave the guy a fair shake. He said that the cameras followed him to a local food bank where he donated certain items. I’m not sure of the quantity, however I do know that the segment was clearly edited for some sort of bias.
For the non-couponer, it may seem insane… it seemed more like an exhibition piece than a helpful foray into couponing, but I guess the point was just showing ppl who are, well, “extreme.”
I agree with Anna, Nathan is the kind of crazy couponer that I think gives couponing a bad reputation. I am all for stocking up for my family but to buy it just for the sake of getting it free is just over the top. Companies love for us to use coupons, however when people like him clear the shelves and get it for free it kind of scares them and they don’t offer as great of deals anymore.
Take for example, the free Purex Catalina deal at Fred Meyer a few weeks back. Someone cleared a state of like 800 bottles of Purex so the company pulled the Catalina before a lot of people were able to get their few bottles for free. I got 2 and haven’t even tapped into them yet. You have to question the ethics of someone who is going to clean out a state of all their laundry detergent!
I did like Joy, she seemed to be similar to my style of buying more healthful and fresh items. I am all for a major savings shopping trip, but I want my family to have healthy options at home.
Would have loved to see you make it on the show Kaley!!
Hi — I didn’t think Nathan come off well at all. The food he chose was almost at random, and it was clear that he had no plans to use it. I also saw no produce, fresh stuff…he bought a lot of junk, and it seemed that he was doing it for the sake of buying, not for the sake of eating.
Yup, I would call him a hoarder.
My thoughts on this – Nathan was way over the top. I don’t recall any mention of donations, but I will listen to the story again. I think when one is stockpiling so much that they have to built numerous shelves in their garage and can’t get the car in – it may be time to donate or donate a lot more if you already donate. Think about it. If one person can have this much stuff what a group in each neighborhood could do for our local food pantries. Amazing things could happen. I have to wonder though, does Nathan clear the shelves and then frustrate people like myself who goes into the grocery in hopes of finding one or 2 items and finds none and then has to go and request numerous rainchecks???? I think it was an interesting piece, but I don’t think it gave an accurate description. I also never caught the other website that the woman used or ran…..
Hey! LOL…do you feel like you are being followed. This is Vickie from FB…I was going to ask you some questions over their about the episode…and taadaa here is a post!
Wow, was Nathan Extreme…I could never be that extreme! I am a newbie, and as yet still to make a major trip. I don’t clip many of the coupons because I try to have a healthy diet…it is tempting when you can get snacks and processed foods for less…
The show was interesting, and better than the Wall Street Journal article. I don’t know how Nathan or anyone has that much time to do what he does? I would have a hard time figuring out his method…and, my stores here in Florida don’t double…so, I rarely get a MM or Free.
I have not tried to exchange Q’s yet…not sure how that works…but, I should as I have great Q’s that I don’t use. I never thought of buying Q’s…that’s a thought too…but, can’t see buying a 100 q’s or whatever to stockpile…nor, do I have the room.
I didn’t learn a whole lot…would have liked to know how they get organized…that is the hardest challenge for me… LOL
LOVE your site…check it everyday. BTW…my stores are Publix and Winn Dixie…not, much of a choice there… we did have Albertsons but they moved out since first of year. I hear we are getting a Albie’s???
Have a great day!
Vickie in South Florida…where it is toooooooooo hot today! 🙂
I feel that this guy was a tad extreme. When you can’t put your car in the garage, you have too much stock piled. He also didn’t say how much he spends on the original inserts.
I am not an extreme couponer. I am selective of the items that I need. I know that sales come and go and come around again. Your web site is great for sharing that information. Love it!
Oh I am so with you on your thoughts! You stole the words right out of my mouth. I would have to agree that some very key points were left out of this “story”. They did do an amazing job of saving…although I do wonder what Nathan ever plans to do with all that Jello! 🙂
Wow! I was happy to save $70 today! Now I feel like I could have done better!!!