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Just a reminder that Staples will be offering 100% back on ANY backpack in a Staples Gift Card after Easy Rebate this week (7/25-7/31). This offer is also available online. I wouldn’t wait because the supply is sure to go quickly.
There are a few other great Back to School deals being offered:
Four Day Deals (Sunday-Wednesday only)
Bic Round Stic Ballpoint Pens – 1¢ (limit 2)
Staples Multipurpose Paper 500 sheets – 1¢ after Easy Rebate
Week Long Deals
Zebra Sarasa Retractable Gel Pens 5-pk – $25¢ (limit 1)
Staples Hype! Pen-style addorted highlighters 6-pk – 25¢ (limit 2)
Really Useful Box .14 liter – $25¢ (limit 2)
B2G1 Free Avery Heavy Duty Binders
Staples Accel 1-Subject notebook 100 sheets – $1.49
Recycled Notebooks and Composition books – $1.99
Thanks, Common Sense with Money!
If you don’t need a backpack for back to school, you could still buy one and donate it to a local organization that works with kids. In the Boston area, Cradles to Crayons puts together back-to-school kits for kids whose family can’t afford to buy them.
Great idea, Kathy! Thanks!