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Guess what? It’s STILL my BIRTHDAY!! And I’m STILL giving stuff away!
Our second giveaway:
A $25 Amazon.com Gift Code!!
It’s my hope that one of you will be able to use this gift code to streeeetch those Christmas dollars—or for whatever works best for you!
I have one $25 Amazon Gift Code to give away to one lucky reader!
Here’s how to enter:
You have up to four possible methods of entry:
- Just for fun, leave a comment sharing your favorite birthday memory!
- Subscribe to this site in a reader or by e-mail and leave a comment letting me know you subscribed. If you are already a subscriber, simply let me know in a comment.
- Follow me on twitter. Leave a comment on this post letting me know you are a follower.
- “Like” Cha-Ching on a Shoestring on facebook and leave a comment on this post letting me know. If you are already a fan, simply let me know in a comment. (I love comments on the facebook page as well, but those will not count toward the giveaway!)
Note: Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this post to leave your comments. (If you are reading this is an e-mail click here to do so.) By leaving a separate comment for each entry you will have a greater chance of winning! E-mail responses will not be considered as an entry in the giveaway.
This giveaway ends at 10:00 a.m. EST on Friday, November 12, 2010. I will randomly select the winning comment. Winner will be notified by email and listed on this site.
Disclaimer: This giveaway is all me! I purchased the gift code with my Swag Bucks to share with you! Amazon did not reimburse me in any way.
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One of my favorite birthday memories is of my 5th birthday, when I learned that I was born on my parents’ anniversary.
I think it was my 5th birthday, my mother had a friend make a doll cake for me…the cake was her hoop skirt…so fun for a 5 yr old! 🙂
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
I have “Liked” you for quite a while on FB. This is my go-to site for great deals!
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~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
My favorite memory is my 22nd birthday when some girlfriends took me out for a drink and the bar happened to have a bagpipper playing who played happy birthday for me!
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I can’t say this is my favorite birthday memory, but my mom won tickets to a Sandy Patti concert off the radio on the day of my 13th birthday. We were on our way when we got in a wreck. The car was totaled, but everyone was ok. Not a great night, but definitely a memorable one! 🙂
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~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
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~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
OOPS! I’m such a fan that I forgot to tell you my fav birthday memory! I was like 8 yrs old and hadn’t had a real birthday party with friends over because it ALWAYS snowed on my birthday! (February 11th is even marked in history for snow storms!) This particular year I was determined I’d have one. A couple weeks ahead I wrote a letter about the perfect birthday party….how to surprise me, who to invite, type of decorations & cake. The thing is….when my birthday came I forgot all about the letter! My dad took me & my sister to see my grandparents, when we got home I opened the door and heard “surprise!!” It was the best day of my life…no snow and the party exactly how I wished! (since then….still bad weather on my birthday!) LOL
One birthday my mom made me really cool cupcakes in ice cream cones and went all out decorating for my birthday party. It was awesome 🙂
I LOVE WHAT YOU DO! I’m a fan of YOU, Your Facebook page, Your Website, And ALL you do! You are the BEST! lol
I have a few but one was a few years ago when I was on a cruise with my father. He wanted someone to go with him to Alaska and since I was the only one at the time who could I was thrilled to be able to see such a wonderful and beautiful part of the country.
I spend my birthday on the cruise and it was a day we saw glaciers and the dinner was perfect. It was a very enjoyable day.
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I follow you on facebook. Well, I don’t really follow you, because that would be creepy, but I love reading about your website on facebook,so yeah, I definitely “like” you!
For fun: Great birthday memory. Hmmmm…well, I remember begging and begging when I was little to get my ears pierced. My folks said I had to wait until I was 14. When I turned 12, they surprised me with a pair of earrings, and said I was going to get my ears done!
My favorite birthday memory is the year that my parents threw me a big party at a restaurant. Unfortunately, my birthday is 9 days before Christmas. It ended up being a really, really foggy night. All of my friends arranged their scheduleds, braved the fog and drove an hour to show up to my party. We had a fabulous time!