Once I considered what my personal goals were for the summer of 2012, it was time to make a plan for success.
Setting up for Success:
It’s really important to me that I don’t try to tackle too much this summer. I think summer should allow for some ‘down-time’ not to mention life is just a little bit crazy right now!
For each of my goals, I needed to ask myself, “What can I do to help myself succeed?”
For example, one of my goals is to run a 5k this summer. So my first step was to sign up for a local race. It’s a simple step, but it takes me to the next level and makes it much harder to back out now. (Especially since I had to pay to sign up and every bone in my frugal body is opposed to wasting money!)
I also asked a friend to join me in the race. This gives me another level of accountability, but also will hopefully make the training even more fun!
One of my goals for my boys is to start daily chores this summer. I want to keep this simple and fun, so I purchased a chore chart on Etsy that will give them a basic chore or two to check off each morning.
Simple Strategies:
I also asked myself, “What strategies can I use this summer to keep a semblance of order around the house?”
I’ll be honest. Keeping the house immaculate did not make it on my list of goals. I’ve learned with each of my boys, that the ‘newborn stage’ limits my ability to keep the house as clean as I would like. (In fact, so does the ‘toddler stage’ and the ‘pre-schooler stage’ and the…well, you understand, right?)
But one simple strategy I plan to use is the ‘timer method’. Each day (or maybe MOST days!) I plan to set the timer for a certain number of minutes to accomplish one task–cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, laundry, etc. I hope that this method will keep our house from exploding and my brain somewhat sane!
Now Onto the FUN part:
I’ll be honest. I’m excited about my personal goals–but not nearly as excited as I am about what’s coming up next! Next week I plan to share my Project Summer 2012 FREE and FUN list with you. I can’t wait to share all of the ways that you can find free activities for you and your kids this summer. I’ll even offer a downloadable planner to help you strategize how to make the most of your summer!
How about you? Have you written down any goals for your summer yet? Why not take some time this week to ask yourself what is your next step to help yourself succeed. Feel free to share them in the comments too!
I think the daily chores for the kids is a wonderful idea. Katelinn has had chores since she was 5 or 6. Even little kids can vacuum, fold laundry, help with dishes. While it may not be “perfect” (Katelinn still doesn’t always fold laundry like I would) – it’s one less thing YOU have to do and it definitely helps teach them a sense of family responsibility. At almost 13, Katelinn keeps her room clean (without being asked), vacuums, folds laundry, unloads the dishwasher, takes out the garbage/recycling, feeds the dogs, helps her grandparents around the house/yard, makes her own lunch for school, and often is helping me get out the door in the morning – she even makes my coffee!!! I firmly believe that giving kids chores at a young age not only teaches them valuable lessons – but it is a HUGE help even if the laundry isn’t folded perfectly!
Thanks, Kitty. Sounds like you are raising a very responsible young lady!