I am creative; I simply can’t not create things. [Yes, that last phrase is grammatically correct. I think.]
The problem is that I am also disorganized. The fact that I am a visual processor with a touch of ADHD has made my creative energies significantly complicate my life. (See my Life- Changing Organizational System for Visual Learners here.)
My most recent creative endeavors have required colored pencils and pens, but for me a limited supply of coloring tools is not sufficient–I have to have a very large supply of them. And they are always a mess. I either leave them spread all over the dining room table or I have to sift through the closets and boxes and bins where I have tried–in vain–to organize them.
Then a light-bulb moment! A breathtaking light-bulb moment. I ran to the Dollar Tree to grab my supplies, rushed back home, and in no time at all I had my coloring supplies organized. For $5.00!
No, I’m not kidding.
So here we go.
Traditional organizational strategies don’t work for me. I have learned over the years that as much money as I might spend and as lovely as they might be, these systems simply won’t work for me. They simply won’t work.
But what can be easier and less expensive than this: a dollar each for clear plastic pencil pouches [clear is the operative word]…
…and a dollar for six binder rings.
I sorted through my endless supply of markers, pens, and colored pencils and organized them by type. [Obviously I couldn’t resist another trip to the Dollar Tree for a couple more pouches.]
Look at those markers–right there in the pouch clear as day!! Exactly what a visual processor needs.
After I filled the pouches, I put three of the rings to use.
And there you have it! Dozens of writing and coloring tools in one neat “booklet”–ready to grab and take wherever my ADHD whim takes me.
What a great idea! I might copy you. ?
Yes, Kimberly, please copy me! Hope you find it as freeing as I have.