I’m going to let you guys in on a little secret. I’m not a laundry expert.
Don’t get me wrong: I’ve been doing laundry since my teen years (so that’s like…a lot of years). So, I guess that kind of makes me an expert. But if I’m keeping it real, I’m more of an expert at how not to do laundry than anything. If you don’t believe me, this video might help prove that:
You see, I am a bit of a Rule Breaker – or what I like to call a Free Spirit (sounds so much nicer, doesn’t it?). So if someone tells me that THIS AWESOME METHOD is how you do laundry – chances are I’m going to do laundry a different way. Because what if another way is more awesome?
It’s a whole thing.
But it’s the truth. I don’t think all the schedules, printable planners or laundry hacks in the world will change that fact.
So when I set out to simplify my laundry method this month and started to research tips from the experts, I started to feel a bit overwhelmed.
Like a Big Fat Laundry Loser.
Like Laundry = 1 zillion; Me = 0.
And then I had a magical happy epiphany. I asked myself the question that I should have asked from the very beginning:
What is the best laundry method for me?
I started to ask myself what the Expert of my laundry situation (ahem…me) would say the most awesome method of doing laundry would be.
And suddenly, the world was right and laundry no longer owned my soul.
So, friends, this is the 3 Step Laundry System that is now working beautifully for me.
It might not work for you. And if you are a Rule Follower and Lover of Cleaning Systems and Such, be forewarned. There is no discussion here about sorting or ironing or printable daily laundry schedules or anything of that sort, because I am incapable of such structure. I love people dearly who are Those Types. I am not. You’ve been warned.
Here we go:
1) I start my laundry for the week on Friday and end on Sunday.
I need a start and an end to my laundry frenzy. I simply cannot do laundry every. single. day. because then it is never done and that makes me sad. (I am aware that this is the most awesome method for some people. And I am ok with that.)
I try to get a load in first thing on Friday, but sometimes I forget and don’t get started until later because I was distracted by pretty birds outside my window or the latest Jimmy Fallon YouTube clip. Again with the Free Spirit thing.
2) When a load of laundry has finished drying, I fold it directly from the dryer to laundry baskets designated for each family member.
I have not used this method for very long, but this one small change has transformed the process for me since I started using it. Gone are the days of digging through baskets of unfolded clean laundry for an entire week because I “still need to fold the laundry and got distracted.” (What can I say? There are a lot of funny Jimmy Fallon videos and pretty birds out there…)
3) When all of the laundry has been completed, I send the older boys upstairs with their designated laundry baskets to put their laundry away and my husband and I take care of the rest.
Yes – that means sometimes clothes are willy nilly in my son’s drawers. And no – there is no ironing or fitted sheet folding involved.
And we’re okay with that.
Which the experts say is awesome.
How about you? What’s the most awesome laundry method for you?
I love you. Seriously! I love you! Best video ever. I sooooo needed a good laugh! You’re awesome.
your video made my day! <3
I started laughing thinking of me doing your same efforts to make all things properly and.. think you should try to work in tv or films: you're so pretty and act just like a pro actress!
Thanks for your tips, keep following you 🙂
Hugs from Italy
Wow – such kind words, Ossi. Thank you so much!
I am like you Kaley, and like a deadline for laundry. In the winter months, I have laundry drying thingies I bought on Amazon, and I can dry two loads in my spare bedroom, and a load of jeans in my basement-I have a section of basement that doesn’t get musty, so my clothes don’t smell musty. So at most during the winter it takes 3 days for laundry. Most days, the only thing that goes in the dryer is dark colored clothing we I wear to work that gets dog hair or little fuzzies on it. Or if someone leaves a tissue in their pocket, then that load has to go in the dryer. During warmer months, I have enough room to hang about 4 loads of laundry, and if it’s a really windy day, I can get even more done in one day. Simple and works for me. I can’t do the load a day thing either. I also use the separate basket system for each person as well. So much easier!
Sounds like a fantastic system, Eileen! Thanks for sharing.
I’m with you; I don’t like laundry to seem like a daily chore. We have enough of those, lol! I take it to a little bit more of an extreme though. I do all of the laundry in one day. However, during sports season, I do have to throw in an extra load or two throughout the week, gotta love uniforms 😉 Those clothes don’t get folded until laundry day though, haha! Wrinkles don’t matter anyway since my 4 kids also put their own clothes away and they just jam the clothes in their drawers. Well, actually my son leaves his clothes in the laundry basket.
I like the idea of having 1 laundry basket for each child. Now that I returned to work, I may also teach my older kids how to wash their own clothes…..hehe!
YES – I do look forward to the day of handing over the laundry torch, Janice. It will be fun! 🙂
My kids wear a uniform so it is a little different but instead of having 5 shirts, 5 pants and 5 socks etc. (which times 5 kids makes for CRAZY amounts of laundry)- Each kid has only 2 of everything. Every night at about 8 I do a call for all laundry. It must be brought to me. I do one wash. Wash it, hang dry about 90% of it. Then in the am all their clothes are hanging ready for them. If they miss the laundry call, I have one extra of everything. They can not miss two days or else no clothes to wear to school…lol. I also add my husbands and my laundry each night. On sport practice nights I also add any practice gear. I do towels, sheets and any delicates on the weekend. People hear this and think it is a strange but I used to be buried under laundry. No more 🙂 I mix colors and whites and use ERA with Bleach Alt. Once a month on Friday I do bleach alll the white school shirts to keep them from turning grey.
Wow – sounds like an awesome laundry method, Lisa! Thanks for sharing with us.
Well – – my kids 17,17,15 have been doing their laundry since the youngest was 5. YUP. Taught them how to go down the stairs backwards with their basket, use a stool to reach the controls, put in the detergent et cetera, et cetera. Gone are the days of me separating laundry into – blues, greys, pinks, purples, blacks, whites, and other colors et cetera. (ugh) So what if my whites are not sparkling (who sees them anyway, right) My husband complained 1 to many times about where “X, Y, Z” piece of clothing was and …..yup now he does his own laundry too. 🙂 My best advice for anyone who still wants to do their whole families laundry (- believe I wish I could and would love too, but as a working mom of (now 4) kids I choose to be at their sporting events and enjoy time with them rather than doing their laundry with an unhappy spirit.) would be to do the laundry by the child/family member – no more sorting, socks are with the right socks and easy to find mates et cetera. Thanks Kaley for a smile to start my morning (missy your family lots – from the Creative Memory days – Tamara’s downline)
Love this, Paula! Thanks for commenting.
After 16 years of marriage and 3 kids that are closer to leaving the nest than entering, I’ve finally figured out what works here with all of us the ages we are. I don’t know if it would have worked when they were younger…I tried a lot of ideas but the laundry was so stressful still. Until now. (insert music of anticipation)
I do specific loads on each day and it has to be downstairs by 8am or they do it themselves sometime that week.
Mon-lights and darks
Tue-towels and whites
Wed-you get the picture…
I only do dark delicates on Thur and I don’t do laundry on Sun
Sometimes and extra load happens if I want to do it, but gone are the days of feeling frustrated that ‘all’ the laundry isn’t done at one time. Because laundry is like shoveling snow while the storm is still in progress. So now my perspective change plus all of us knowing that the laundry WILL be done each week, in the same order, has removed loads (ha ha pun intended) of angst! 🙂
Love that that you found a system that works for you, Ann! Thanks so much for sharing.