I’m finally ready for my big race tonight.
“What big race?” you ask.
My ‘Race-Around-To-As-Many-Stores-As-Possible-While-Wes-Watches-The-Kids-For-a-Couple-Hours’ Race. Let me tell you, if there were a prize, I would win it. I am one focused girl when it comes to squeezing in as many deals as possible in the time allotted.
Since I’m organizing my list anyway, I thought I might as well share it with you. It includes:
Just printed out my E-Mealz menu and shopping list and –VOILA!– my menu planning is done. Kind of looking forward to trying ‘Salsa Sirloin Salad’ this week. Yummy.
I found this great deal on printer paper from Mercedes at Common Sense with Money:
HammerMill Copy Paper (500 sheets), $4.99
$3.99 Staples Easy Rebate (limit 2)
$1 after rebate! Offer good in stores until 6/13.
I plan on getting quite a few things here, including this Crystal Light deal, this Degree Men’s Deodorant deal, my free Mars candy bars, and a few other miscellaneous items I need.
Gotta get some free Dawn Dish detergent and Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats for $.79 a box after ECBs.
That should do it for this week. Don’t want to strain a muscle before the next big race!
I was out running this race just before I read your post. I can usually hit about six stores in two hours! I just hate having to put up everything when I get home. I am glad there are other people running thru stores and throwing bags into cars at a feverish pace. 🙂
I’d love it if you did this every time you run this race! I LOVE when I come home after a “run for bargains” but it is also fun to see how someone else is going to do it, too! Your list reminded me of a stop I forgot to add to mine!
You’d probably kill me in the 5K, butI think I’d give you a “run for your money” in this race! 🙂
Good to know that I’m not the ONLY one who runs the same race every week! 🙂 Good luck!