Laundry Hacks to Simplify Life
I shared earlier that one of my Monthly Missions this month is figuring out a way to simplify my laundry situation. I have a laundry list of reasons why this area of my life needs to simplified. (See what I did there?)
So I’ve been doing some research to help me “sort out” my problems (I’m on a roll here!). I’ve found some very helpful posts that are giving me some inspiration as I attempt to figure out how to get rid of my laundry…err.. I mean…get rid of my laundry issues. (Of course, if you have any tips on getting rid of laundry, I’ll take those too!)
Here is a list of awesome laundry hacks to check out:
How Many Wears Before You Need to Wash (Is anyone else shocked by the jeans??)
25 Laundry Hacks for Busy Moms (I LOVE the writing on the dryer idea!)
How to Keep Towels Fluffy (After reading this, I think I realized it’s time for some new towels!)
5 Tips to Keep up with Laundry (I’m incorporating some of these in my new system.)
15 Organizational Hacks that will Make You Like Doing Laundry (Yes, please.)
Solutions to your Most Vexing Laundry Problems (Really helpful tips!)
6 Laundry Tricks to Make the Task So Much Easier (LOVE that missing sock saver!)
20 Must Know Laundry Hacks (I need some serious fitted sheet folding help.)
Update: Be sure to check out my 3 Step Simple Laundry System!
How about you? Do you have any awesome laundry hacks that help save your sanity??
This post is part of The Merry Little Living Project where I’m sharing about ways that I’m finding to make everyday life simpler and more joyful. You can sign up here to receive my monthly-ish newsletter with updates.
Thanks for this post. This could be game changer for me. To help myself remember I created an Evernote and record the 12 tips I could see using. I also love love love your 3 step process. After attempting the different systems I’ve come to the realization that I’m a weekend warrior. Thx to your post I see that I’m not the only one. Yea. Thx again
So glad it was a help, Chris! Shout out to the weekend warriors. 🙂
I want to receive helpful tips on laundry
I didn’t read any of those links – maybe later – but here’s my hint to you on how to get control of laundry. Do one load ALL THE WAY from beginning to end. Don’t start the next load until load number one is PUT AWAY. Not just dried, not just folded, but PUT AWAY in the right places. That’s it – the end. It really worked for me, and WOW my laundry was totally out of control. Since it takes longer to dry, fold, hang, and put away one load than it does to wash it – I was constantly getting backed up. There were always wet clothes in the washer waiting for the dryer. Try this, and before you know it laundry will be manageable, and way less stressful.